Classic Grey Joeys $450.00 
All of our Joey's are less than 20 weeks OOP. 
text (702) 245-5064
Leucistic Joey's  $1000.00  each
It's essential to be aware that the value of a sugar glider tends to decrease with age. Older gliders may be more set in their ways and potentially harder to train, particularly in terms of biting behavior. Typically, most gliders are not worth more than $100.00 once they reach one year of age. If a glider has a unique or fancy color, it may be valued at around $150.00.
It's worth noting that anyone selling a glider for a price significantly higher than the standard amount may be doing so for profit rather than reflecting the glider's true value. 
At our establishment, we exclusively have baby joeys, and we take pride in breeding all of our adults. 
20% Discount on all orders of  25 gliders or more.